
  • exercise group

People With Eating Disorders Often Addicted to Exercise

People with eating disorders are 3.9 times as likely as other people to be addicted to exercise, according to new research data compiled in nine studies from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Italy. "It is known that those with eating disorders are more likely to display addictive personality and obsessive-compulsive behaviors," said study

  • man in his home detox

The Benefits of Home Detox

Home detox is an option that many people would probably prefer to a detox center. Home detox services with medical professionals fill a vital treatment gap. After all, many people searching for a path to recovery try to get clean and sober on their own, without medical guidance. It seldom works. But many people don’t

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Buprenorphine is Under-Prescribed Due to Hurdles, Mistrust

Medication-assisted Treatment (MAT) can be a lifeline for those who are addicted to opioids and struggle with long-term cravings and short-term withdrawal symptoms. However, research by NPR shows that doctors and pharmacists mistrust the drug, resulting in few people seeking help with addiction gaining access to it. Doctors Have Little Incentive to Prescribe Buprenorphine Buprenorphine,

  • candle memorial

Addiction Epidemic Fueled By Opioid Prescriptions

A new study proves that opiod prescriptions contributed to overdose deaths. When a family member received opioids, people in the household were more likely to overdose. The study provides more evidence that overprescribing opioid medication helped lead to the current drug epidemic that has claimed thousands of lives. The study, published by JAMA Internal Medicine,

  • genome for addiction

There is a Gene That Predicts Marijuana Addiction

Danish researchers have discovered a gene that raises the risk of marijuana addiction. The research encompassed studying thousands of people to uncover a potential genetic cause of cannabis-use disorders. The research discovered that people with cannabis-use disorders were more likely to have variants in their CHRNA2 gene, a gene which they say regulates nicotinic acetylcholine

  • video game addiction

Is Compulsive Video Game Playing a Disorder?

Is compulsive video game playing an addiction? The World Health Organization says it is, and they’re adding it to the newest edition of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems or “ICD-11.” Based in Geneva, Switzerland, the WHO has added “Gaming disorder” to the 2022 version of the book, which is used

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Insys Found Guilty of Criminal Charges: Now What?

Last week, a federal jury found executives at a large opioid manufacturer, Insys Therapeutics guilty of bribing doctors to prescribe their fentanyl-based painkiller, Subsys, among other crimes including criminal racketeering. John Kapoor, the company’s founder, was found guilty alongside four other executives. Richard Simon, the former national director of sales; Sunrise Lee, former regional sales

  • woman after seizures

Can Vaping E-cigarettes Cause Seizures?

Can vaping e-cigarettes cause seizures? The FDA thinks it's possible. Vaping flavored nicotine is a relatively new phenomenon without case studies or long-term research into the effects. One thing we know is that nicotine is an addictive substance that can cause a lot of changes in the user, especially once they are addicted. Proponents in

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PA Treatment Network Accused of Fraud Conspiracy

The Pennsylvania attorney general’s office recently charged the co-founder and former executives of an addiction treatment network, accusing them of profiting off addicts by fraudulently billing insurance companies to the tune of 44 million dollars in insurance money for treatment, with little interest in helping addicted clients get clean and sober. The charges announced by