
  • Gavel and military uniform representing veterans treatment court.

Veterans Treatment Court in Montana Receives Nearly $1M in Funding – A Win for Vets

A veterans treatment court in Butte-Silver Bow County was recently awarded $999,984 by The United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, and for good reason. The veterans treatment court in Butte-Silver Bow County is a step in the right direction for veterans living with substance use disorder, PTSD, and other serious mental illnesses.

Opioid Abuse Spiking Among Veterans

The use of opioids like heroin and fentanyl among Veterans is a growing concern that requires immediate attention. That’s because U.S Veterans experience unique challenges that put them at heightened risk of an opioid addiction or opioid use disorder (OUD). Understanding the causes for opioid use among former military service people is the first step